Electronic Board Cleaning

Electronic Board Cleaning

Cleaning of Flux

Flux, is the subsidiary chemical of soldering. It is important for soldering but if it is not cleaned properly after the process, it damages the printed wiring board. Therefore, after the soldering process, the printed wiring boards are manually or automatically cleaned.

After the cleaning, it is important for printed wiring boards to get rid of all the flux and solder wastes as well as to be protected against oxidisation. For this process, Pulsar Kimya has products that are suitable for different solutions, are water & solvent based and disintegrable in nature.

By using the best chemical option for your needs, you can obtain the best result.

“Bath” processing is the name given to the solution that is constantly used in the automatic or manual cleaning processes. These baths lose their cleaning properties in time due to accumulation of organic and inorganic wastes. Pulsar Kimya has been helping the industry with the biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals and equipment.